My Family

My Family

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Wedding Dress is Here!

Went in to David's Bridal to try on my dress and to get alterations. Figured the only thing I would need is a hem and bustle for the reception. The dress is chiffon overlay with taffeta underneath. I have to have TWO bustles! One for the taffeta and one for the chiffon...great. I hope that Kristen will be able to figure out how to bustle it on my wedding day. The lady who created it did a crazy job. We'll see...

Oh and you read right, Kristen is now my Maid of Honor. Sarah has backed out due to health issues. Now I have a limited time to find a dress for Kristen. What else can go wrong.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Change of Date

We changed our wedding date. The venue only had a 9 am appointment available for March 17th. Everyone knows I am not a morning person. I would have to be there around 7:30 am. Never going to happen.

Called the venue and asked if there were any other times on that day and there wasn't. She had an afternoon open on March 31st. We are getting married on March 31st. Extra two weeks to get things ready...bonus.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Wedding Dress

Woo Hoo! I found a dress!

Kristen (John's Niece), Cyndi (John's Sister), Sarah (best friend), and I went to the Bridal Extravaganza today. Holy cow was it crowded. I don't think I could ever do that twice. It was different when we went for Kristen when she got married, you could actually try on dresses. This is what I was expecting to do. However, they changed things.

You have to set up an appointment to go try on the dresses now. Nice that they let you know that beforehand.

We had a good time looking at all of the vendors, but I think that that type of show is for people who have tons of money to spend on their wedding. John and I do not fall into that category. It helped formulate some ideas. Since we already have a venue, we didn't waste time a those booths. We also had a DJ and our cake, but it didn't stop up from tasting the free samples.  ;)

Back to the dress...we made an appointment at David's Bridal today. We knew that they would have a sale going on since the extravaganza was today. Didn't want to miss out on the opportunity of saving money. Plus, I didn't think I would find a dress on the first day of trying them on.

Sarah had to leave, so it was just Kristen, Cyndi and I. I had been looking through the online catalog for several months and know what dresses I wanted to try on. I have three specific dresses in mind, and I knew which one I favored the most. I figured this would be the one, if I liked the way it looked on me.

 This is Dress #1. It is hard to see the embellishment in the photo, but there is a beaded motif right where the waist and bellybutton are. It looked retarded in person.

This is Dress #2. Looks pretty and simple. However, when I tried the dress on and looked down, I could see right through my cleavage all the way down to my toes. I didn't want to see that all day, and I didn't want my Dad to see that either. Ugh... Next...

Now we are up to the dress that I've been waiting to try on.

 Ta Da! I loved this dress. I wanted an ivory dress. I didn't want white because it would wash me out. I thought this dress looked nice on. I didn't get the goose bumps but it was a heck of a lot better than the other two. I was going to get this dress. was on sale. That's always a good thing. Enter Kristen and Cyndi. While I was trying on my dresses, I could see them in the background looking at the catalog. They would give me encouraging comments, but they didn't like my choices. They asked the consultant if they would pull another dress for me to try on. While I was in the dressing room, I told her that I wanted Dress #3, however to make Kristen and Cyndi happy I would go ahead and try on their choice.

They didn't have my size. They had a size smaller. The consultant had a hard time zipping up the back and so she just used the big clips they had to close up the gap. I didn't like the way it looked in the dressing room, but I went outside to show K & C anyway. The manager of the store happened to walk by and asked if I liked the dress. I told him I didn't like the way it looked because it wasn't zipped up all the way. The consultant told him that it was too small and she couldn't get the zipper up. He came over pulled the two halves together and zipped it up. As soon as that happened and I looked in the mirror...I got the goose bumps and started tearing up. This was the dress...

I have pictures of me trying on each of these dresses. I will post them later.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wedding Planning - Venue

John and I have found a venue for our wedding. Thanks to John's Mom, Mary Ann, we don't have to get married at the court house. I have never had a wedding and I am so excited that I get to have one now. The drama isn't fun, but I'm sure the day will be awesome!

We are getting married in the chapel at Heather's Glen. Prior to John and I visiting, I was certain that I wanted an outdoor wedding, but when I saw the chapel I knew that it was the place where is suppose to happen. The reception will take place in the reception hall on the grounds. We can only be there for four hours, but I figure that is enough time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Lot Has Happened Since My Last Post

*~*~* I'm Engaged! *~*~*

So after 11 years with John, I decided to make him an honest man by asking him to marry me. I know it's not the traditional way things are suppose to happen but I had fun doing it.

There was a lot of drama going on with John's nephew recently and it made me realize how lucky I am to have John in my life. So I called Mom to talk to her about everything that was going and to tell her of my idea to ask John to marry me. She was really excited! After speaking with Mom, I decided to call John's Mom and tell her what I was thinking. She was really excited too. She said that she had been praying for this for years. So I asked her for her permission to marry John.

I didn't know how to go about asking him to marry me. Should I do it the regular way and just ask him? I didn't know. I wanted to make it special and make sure he knew that I was serious. So I 'googled' it. This one web site said to give the guy a token. Their suggestion was a motorcycle. Uhmmm, yeah...

It did give me an idea though... John's Mom had given him his Dad's wedding band, maybe I could use that. I called John's Mom back and asked if I could borrow the wedding band. I told her I was worried that he might not think that I was serious and that I was just goofing around so the ring would help show I was serious.

I decided that since I was the one doing the asking that it should be simple, I'll ask him at dinner. I usually decide where we are going to eat when we eat out. I'm not sure why, but it always happens this way. Dinner was going to be on a Saturday, so I asked John early that week to start thinking about where we were going to dinner on Saturday. It was his turn and he needed to pick something. He ended up picking this Italian restaurant that we like.

Saturday finally arrived. The boys were spending the weekend with their Dad, so John and I had it to ourselves. I thought the best time to ask him was after the main course while we were waiting for dessert. For our appetizers we ordered mozzarella sticks and garlic bread that comes with this yummy dipping sauce that's like marinara but creamier, sooo good. After the soup course I wasn't sure if I was even going to be able to eat the main course... I was stuffed. This is a real Italian restaurant and their portions could feed a family of four. Plus, I was getting more and more nervous and time went on. I was feeling a full blown panic attack coming on.

We both struggled through our main courses because we had eaten so much already. It was just easier to get 'to go' boxes and eat it later on that evening or the next day. While the waiter was getting the boxes and getting our dessert (they have the BEST cheesecake), I told him how much I love him and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I pulled out the box that I put the ring in and asked him to marry me. He didn't say anything at first, my heart was pounding and then he said yes.

So now we are engaged! We are going to get married on March 17, 2012. March 17th is the day of our first date and the day that we celebrate our anniversary on every year. Seems right to keep the same date.

The drama of having a wedding or going to the court will come later on. This post is already long enough.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

After 13 Years - I Took the First Step

Not sure if you have heard of this website - but I was told about it today in Relief Society. If you like to keep a journal this is the place to go. It's free. I can send you an email invite if you want to send me your email address if you aren't using the site already. Here is my first entry. I thought I would share it with you.

January 24, 2010
A series of events have led up to this day. It seems that the Spirit has been working very hard to get me back into the fold. After all of the events I ended up going to two sacrament meetings and then Sunday School and Relief Society after being gone for 13 years.

First, my niece, Amber has invited my family to come down to San Antonio to attend Belle's blessing in February. I really want to go but I haven't been to church in years and didn't have a dress that fits. I also wanted to meet Belle and see little Jared again. He's such a cutie. My brother and his wife will be there so I really want to go, so I gave her a also depends on gas money.

Second, a few weeks ago I got my Church Ordinance Record in the mail. I have never received one of these, so for it to show up out of nowhere was kinda strange. It also still had me married to Tim. YUCK! I made myself a mental note to contact the clerk and get that straightened up.

Third, my mom's cousin, Lynn called me out of the blue. I've known that he lives in the same general area as me since I moved to Texas but we have never connected or even spoke to each other. He called and said that he felt compelled to call and see how things were going and invite me out to church. We use the same church building but aren't in the same ward. He wanted to tell me what time church was and if I could make it he would really love to see me again.

Fourth, this past Saturday we had a Serviceman come over and check out our refrigerator. It died during the week and we thought we were going to have to shell out some bucks for a new one. The man that showed up said that it was a factory recall and it would cost zero dollars - we didn't even owe anything for the service call. Sweet!

While John and I were waiting for him to finish there was a knock on the door. We usually don't get many visitors except for Dustin and Wyatt's friends, but that has tapered off. John opens the door and there's a man that said, "Is LeAnn Jackson here? I'm from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." Needless to say I was shocked that there was someone at the door that knew my name. I've never had anyone come look for me. I've seen missionaries and stuff, but no visitors. The man at the door was the 1st Counselor - Brother "O" (for privacy purposes). He and some others were out and about looking for members in the area that weren't active. Now if you know me at all, you know that I am seriously loyal to the Marine Corps. I even happened to have one of my Marines shirts on. Bro. "O" asked, "Who's the Marine?" I told him I was and that my oldest son had just graduated from Boot Camp and was attending MCT in San Diego. He responded, "I'm a former Marine too. I was going to ask about the bumper stickers on the car."

What are the chances that a Marine came knocking on my door to get me to go back to church. He knew that I wouldn't be able to let my fellow Marine down.

After all of that I got the hint. I knew I needed to go back to church today. I attended Sacrament Meeting at Lynn's ward first just to get my feet wet and then I ran into Bro. "O" and he asked if I was staying so that I could meet some people from my ward. I decided to stay, saying to myself I could always leave after that Sacrament Meeting. However I ended up going to Sunday School and Relief Society.

Sunday School was okay. I remembered some of the stories that the teacher was speaking about. I found it hard to concentrate because there was another member that was always interrupting and my patience isn't very good so I found myself saying things in my head that weren't appropriate. Maybe this is another test.

Relief Society was okay. I never felt a part of Relief Society. Even when I was active. Bro. "O" introduced me to his wife so I attended with her and his mother which was nice. The sister that gave the talk was amazing. She could quote scriptures left and right. It was pretty cool. She's probably the one to go to if I have any questions.

Taking this step today presents a challenge to me for the future. There are things that I have to look at in my life if I want to continue this path. I know that I can stop doing most of the things that I'm not suppose to do - but there is one thing that would present a major change. We would have to get married or break up. Not sure what He has in store for me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To Be Fat or Not To Be Fat...

That is the question.

So my sister Jenni has really been an inspiration with her weight loss. Because of this, I am trying to get motivated and start moving around. My day basically consists of sitting in front of the computer at work all day and then come home and sit in front of the TV all night and then sleep. No activity.

My activity consists of me trying not to have a heart attack while mowing the lawn on Saturday, we have a ginormous ditch in the front (ginormous is a word - look it up). It's a sight to see. Me gasping for air...*gasp* I need air.

In March I purchased the P90X program and was really excited about it - but figured out quickly that this wasn't for poor little couch potato me. Maybe post boot camp me - but not the now me. I hope to be able to do the P90X in the future, however this is not the beginning step.

Being a glutton for punishment and a serious infomercial freak...I came upon the Slim in 6® program and like how it starts out as low impact and then works up to harder moves. So I purchased it and its been sitting in the box for about three months. Hey, there's a reason why.

For the past year I've been suffering with plantar faciitis. Its a painful foot affliction that I do not wish on anyone. It affects both of my feet so I can't compensate by standing on the other foot. A couple of weeks ago my foot doctor has cleared me to do low impact exercises until my feet heal fully. So I've decided to start my Slim in 6® regimen. I wanted to start on Monday, but I caught the work crud and it totally sucks. It seems like couch potato me doesn't want me to exercise.

I know that exercise isn't going to solve all of my issues. I know eating healthy is a big part of it as well. Here lies the problem...I'm a sugar fiend. I love love love sweets. I used to eat a dozen doughnuts for lunch when I was in high school. I ate a whole can of cinnamon rolls when I was pregnant with Matt. I cannot back away from sweets. I just wolfed down two cookies... no shame. I think its hereditary...Dad is a sweet junky as well.

Hopefully once I start exercising I'll see how hard it is and then try and eat better so that all of my hard work doesn't go out the window. Any tips and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

So as soon as the crud has exited my body - I'm going to start my exercises. Maybe then I can go to sleep before 1 am since I wake up at 5 am during the week. Maybe that's why I'm so tired... Wish me luck...

Jenni, if this doesn't work...I blame you for being so inspirational. ;)